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Hi there, my name is Ronnie, and this is my little slice of the web. I hope you enjoy your visit! A bit about me: I'm a butch dyke artist, I love nature, reading, baking, horror, photography, collecting anime figures and kitschy tchotchkes...among other things. I grew up surrounded by the Mojave desert and find it an incredibly beautiful biome, but I would love to travel more and experience a broader range of the natural world. I am autistic and take great pleasure in my interests which include (but of course are not limited to) The Walten Files and The Locked Tomb at the moment. This site is mainly just a fun place to share a bit of myself with the world through my art and thoughts and whatnot.

Heres some music i like!

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There are stories in your quilt: cottages and ruins, a stone circle, a fox. 
Sheep graze in the fields, and swans drift at the mouth of the creek. A farmer and his sheepdog drive the flock down a narrow road to a new pasture.

A red-roofed cottage and tiny barn...turf smoke drifts from the chimney...

A thatched cottage, turf 
stacked for the fire. 
Sheep graze nearby, and a 
bicycle leans against the wall.

A flock of sheep move 
down the road past the field 
that holds a stone circle

The woods and hedgerows are intricately quilted